How To setup Listmonk with Dokku
/Listmonk is a standalone, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager. It is fast, feature-rich, and packed into a single binary. It uses a PostgreSQL (⩾ 12) database as its data store.
Dokku is an open source PAAS alternative to Heroku. Dokku helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications from building to scaling.
Deploying listmonk on dokku took a little extra effort so here is a simple tutorial in case I forget next time.
This tutorial assumes you have dokku installed and are semi-familiar with deploying and running applications on dokku.
- Create Dokku app
dokku apps:create listmonk
- Create postgres database
dokku postgres:create listmonk-db
- Link the postgres database
dokku postgres:link listmonk-db listmonk
- Set Environment Variables for config
If the Database_URL is:
Set each environment variable (Change the listmonk admin user and password!):
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_app__address=""
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_app__admin_username="listmonk"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_app__admin_password="listmonk"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__host="dokku-postgres-listmonk-db"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__port="5432"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__user="postgres"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__password="99c22ef4fa9b4eeeec730ea463533356"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__database="listmonk_db"
dokku config:set listmonk LISTMONK_db__ssl_mode="disable"
- Run a temp container to setup the initial db
dokku git:sync --build listmonk main
Enter the container:
dokku run listmonk
Create a config.toml file: Edit the db information
cat <<EOF > config.toml
address = ""
admin_username = "listmonk"
admin_password = "password"
# Database.
host = "dokku-postgres-listmonk-db"
port = 5432
user = "postgres"
password = "99c22ef4fa9b4eeeec730ea463533356"
database = "listmonk_db"
ssl_mode = "disable"
max_open = 25
max_idle = 25
max_lifetime = "300s"
Download the listmonk executable:
Extract the executable:
tar -xvf listmonk_3.0.0_freebsd_amd64.tar.gz
Run the db install:
./listmonk --install
If it worked you should be able to press y and it will setup the db.
- Exit the temp container
- Setup domain: Changet this to your own
dokku domains:add listmonk
dokku letsencrypt:set listmonk email <e-mail>
dokku letsencrypt:enable listmonk
- Setup Ports
dokku ports:set https:443:9000
- Pull the correct container
dokku git:from-image listmonk listmonk/listmonk:latest
If all went well then you should have listmonk running on your dokku server at the url you configured.